Saturday 9 January 2016

Italy Off the Beaten track

Italy - On Your Own Terms


Perhaps the greatest thing about travel in Europe is that it can be unplanned. Unless you choose to travel in the height of the European summer you will never need to book ahead. The accommodation options are limitless. Or in the summer months, pick up a car and a tent, or pick up a campavan. The numerous excellent camping grounds are never too packed for one more site to be found. Think of camping grounds in Europe as casual roll-up hotels. Factor in swimming pools, bars, restaurants, bakeries,  … these are not the stark camping grounds of Australasia, - if you happen to be from the Pacific rim.

Once you have freed yourself from the encumberances of having to book ahead, all sorts of opportunities open up. The small beach, the side road, the tiny village - now you can stop there. You will no longer have that weight on your shoulders of having to get from point A to point B before the front desk closes. You will not be confined to the popular tourist spots where the major hotel chains cluster. You are a free agent, able to explore a beautiful country at your leisure.

For the best travel methods, think flexibility. Least flexible is certainly any type of package tour. Depending on your selection you may have a free day here and there. Lucky you! Should you choose a cruise you have a multitude of coast to traverse on the elongated Italian isthmus. There will be onshore visits to take in the sights, and there will be nights aboard ship. Times's up. Back to the ship. On land there is train or bus. Both offer the hop on hop off option but you will be travelling major town to major town. You will need to  accommodation near to the bus/train station.

Don't be afraid - do it on your own terms! Why not hire a car?  Now you have your own pace and your own timetable to enjoy. For an even more intimate view of the small towns and village life, think of a cycle or walking  tour. The area you cover will certainly be smaller, but the chance to mix and mingle with locals will be incomparable. Take no notice of those who would scare you away from this option. It is easy. You can do it. Give yourself two hours to get used to the driving if you are from a left hand driving country. Follow the person in front. You will be fine.  Just do it!

Gubbio, Italy ( A New Zealand Blog of unique places to stay)

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